Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I know this is fruit and not vegetables, but I forgot to take a picture of my lunch.

If at first you don’t succeed, try try again, right?  I’ve been avoiding the hotel restaurant after my unsatisfying experience last week.  Food here is so cheap that I haven’t really cared that I could eat for free at the restaurant, plus I’ve gone out a few times with Liu Liu.  But I decided that one can live only so long on savory pastries, chips, peanut butter, ice cream and the stash of protein bars I brought with me:  I started craving produce.  First I conquered buying fruit at the market (they have weighing stations in the produce area – someone weighs it first before you take it to the check out stand), but I hadn’t figured out how to get vegetables.  I was told not to eat raw vegetables here (due to the water), so I couldn’t just buy things at the market as I’m not allowed a microwave or toaster oven in my room. 

Not too long ago I would have laughed if someone told me I would be willing to face confusion and awkwardness again in a quest for vegetables, but there you have it.  I confessed to Liu Liu that I hadn’t been eating at the restaurant because I didn’t understand how it worked (part of it you order, and part is self serve, and the menus aren’t on the table), and she felt really bad, which is why I didn’t tell her to begin with.  I couldn’t quite explain to her that’s a personality quirk of mine – I hate not knowing how things work, and it’s worse when you can’t ask anyone to explain the process.  So after our morning meeting yesterday she came back with me to the hotel, spoke with the staff and explained  the process and menu to me.  The first dishes I tried are pork with mushrooms, and a big plate of mixed vegetables.  It came with rice, and I added a soda and the entire meal only cost 32 RMB (about $5 USD). 

The meal was delicious and filling, but was very rich.  So rich, in fact, that I can’t quite imagine eating there multiple times in one day.  But I’m happy to have that as an option, and I’m sure I will be returning to sample more dishes, and to have my servings of vegetables.  But for now, I think I’ll content myself with some cheese, crackers and an orange.


  1. Hi Jennie,

    This is Qian. I've read every word you wrote in your blog about your adventrous experience in China. I also recommended it to some of my American and Chinese friends. We all love it!
    Go!Go!Go! Jennie! You Can Do It!

    1. Thank you Qian. I'm having a great time. Thanks for all your help - I couldn't have done this without it.
